Do you own a trailer or an RV? You’ll want to keep reading. Maintaining these beauties is a constant effort due to their highly complex functioning and long-lasting inner design. From trailer brake wiring to brake controllers, you’ll need to be caught up to speed if your RV is going to have a long and healthy lifespan. With more and more Americans choosing to own one or two for cross-country travel and vacations, this knowledge will prove indispensable for your family and wallet alike. Let’s take a look at the top five tips for owning an RV in the United States!
Know Your Categories
Did you know there are two main categories of RVs? You have motorhomes, which are motorized, and towables, which are towed behind a family car or pick-up truck. Knowing this distinction is important — you won’t need to spend excess money on quality trailer brake wiring when it’s only being pulled by another car, after all! If you have family members who prefer camping and yet others who would rather stay in a cabin, rest easy knowing your trailer can make everyone happy.
You’re In Good Company
Families across the country have been turning to RVs as the go-to all-around option these past few years. Over 11% of American households headed by adults between the ages of 35 and 54 own at least one RV, exceeding the 9% ownership of adults over the age of 55. If you’re not sure about trailer brake wiring or what electric brakes for trailer types you should buy, you’ll never be short of options.
Flexible For All Events
What are RVs used for, anyway? It’s actually easier to say what they aren’t used for! People love motorized and towable RVs for their incredible flexibility and comfort when traveling across the country — it’s estimated there are over 16,000 public and privately owned campgrounds around the nation, making it easier than ever before for RV owners to move across the land for months at a time. People love to use RVs for camping, going on long vacations or just hanging out for the weekend after a long work week.
Work On Your Technicals
Now for the technical stuff! Weight distribution systems are necessary so you don’t, quite literally, go overboard with packing and driving — this is even more recommended if your trailer weight is more than 50% of your vehicle’s weight. If you’re not sure? Double-check your manufacturer’s specifications to be on the safe side. The RVIA estimates there are over 30 million RV enthusiasts and renters nationwide, meaning this knowledge is highly useful for a significant portion of the population. Not sure about sway control or trailer brake controllers? Read on…
Stay On Top Of The Latest Technology
Last, but certainly not least, you’ll want to stay on top of your RV related technology. 2-point systems can be used with trailers that have surge or hydraulic brakes already equipped — trailer sway devices come in two basic types, from those that reduce sway once it has begun to move to those that work to prevent sway entirely. The brake drum surface should be inspected for excessive wear or heavy scoring on a frequent basis. If the wear marks are worn more than 0.020 inches, or worn out of round by more than 0.015 inches, then it’s time for the drum surface to be turned again. Feeling a bit more caught up? It’s time to get out on the open road!
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