Today’s busy world is all about convenience. When you fail to provide an easy experience to your customer, you fail to provide a steady future for your brand.
A custom valet ticket can make or break the deal in many people’s eyes. Some customers are unable to make the constant back and forth between their choice of business and their car, relying on valet parking tickets to save them a trip. Others are on a tight schedule and would rather not spend an extra thirty minutes scouring the deepest recesses of their block for an available spot to temporarily call their own. All in all, valet tickets for businesses are, in of themselves, a business. It’s time to make yours stand out by offering both the company and the customer a way to connect on a deeper level.
What’s the appeal of a valet ticket?
Customers Save Money On Gas
Easily one of the most frustrating issues facing the modern driver is gas. It seems like these prices keep spiking year after year, leaving many to find alternatives to keep their wallet happy and their car still running. The very first recorded use of the term ‘valet parking’ was all the way back in the late 1950’s, evolving from a French phrase that means ‘male household servant of the meaner sort.’ This title has definitely evolved, as one of the nicest things you can do for your customer is making their lives a little easier.
Reduce The Frustrating Search Time
Not only do customers hate spending so much money on gas, they’re tired of running rings around the block and cutting into their already tight schedule. Just how bad is it? It’s estimated the average American driver wastes nearly $350 every year in both wasted time and extra fuel for parking, thanks to statistics provided by the analytics firm INRIX. This same research division found drivers in 2017 spent an average of 17 hours every year just looking for parking.
Stimulate Small Businesses
A custom valet ticket can go a long way in giving your employees more hours and stimulating local businesses crafted around parking convenience. Back in 2016 around 146,000 parking lot attendants were employed. Drivers will often tip anywhere from $1 to $5 for valet parking services, as well, and more customers than ever are using valet supplies as the deal breaker for whether or not they will continue with a certain company. For those that are interested in eco-friendly benefits, valet tickets have you covered.
Create A Clean Environment
Vehicles are notoriously bad for the environment, creating dirty air and affecting the health of millions of people every day. A recent study titled ‘Cruising For Parking’, published in the Access journal, did a lengthy study of a small business district in the heart of Los Angeles. In just one year drivers looking for a parking spot created the equivalent of 38 trips around the world, burning a collective 47 gallons of gas and over 700 tons of carbon emissions. A custom valet ticket can do wonders for cutting into these astronomical figures.
Make Your Business Stand Out
Valet tags pack quite a punch in a small package. You’ll clear up the air and clear up the road by offering this simple addition, which is nothing to say of all the benefits your customers will appreciate along the way. In just one year traffic congestion in the United States can cause over $75 billion in financial losses from the billions of lost hours and billions of gallons in wasted fuel. Whether it’s consumers visiting their favorite restaurant or patients dropping by their preferred hospital, the custom valet ticket can mean the difference between a mediocre stay and a great week.
Valet parking ticket printing is here to stay. Make sure you’re part of the movement.